Data Types

Datatypes Datatype Description Examples Integer 64Bit int number 1, 100, 1000 String Text, multiple and single characters "John, Doe", "A", "!!!" Bool Booleans true, false Array Loosely typed list which contains any of the above type [1,2,3], [a,b,1,2] Hash Loosely typed Key Value Pair which contains any of the above type {“name”: “John Doe”, “age”: 100} Printing The println or print keyword prints all arguements to the standard outstream. Our current knowledge of esolang can be applied to create an Hello, World example.
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Esolang is a beginner friendly dynamically typed scripting language for quick prototyping and learning functional programming. Installation go get or via homebrew brew tap ahmedsaheed/esolang brew install esolang Usage Try it out now in a sandbox environment on your browser via the esolang playground. Eso Expressions can evaluated on your terminal using the built-in repl by running the command esolang -repl or via a file on your preferred text editor with the .
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